
Dresden, Germany

October 8-10, 2020

Hall 4 booth L-7



FLORIAN 2020 - the unique trade fair of the year in Germany - presents the latest innovations, technologies, and concepts for firefighting, rescue, fire protection, and civil defense. The event gives the best opportunity to obtain information directly from professionals. This year VIKING LIGHTING will be present at the INHAG-ZELTE stand Hall 4 booth L-7

Products for firefighters:

We recommend VIKING LIGHTING equipment. Typically it works as floodlights for tents. This VIKING type has the following technical parameters:
  • Tent light with 2×36 W
  • 220V
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • Corresponds to a 500 W bulb
  • Protection class IP 54 or IP 67
  • 5m supply line with Schuko plug
  • Aluminum housing with additional socket
For more information on this product, please see the link Viking LIGHTING is often used by firefighters at accident scenes. Most importantly, it is essential for firefighters to have compact equipment that can be transported in a van or firefighters' truck. Therefore, most miniature lamps are only 280 mm long. In addition, lighting one can use together with circular saws, because it can be connected directly to the lamp socket. Traditionally, Viking LIGHTING works in crises because it provides glare-free light. In addition, it has a lightweight aluminum housing with SBS side covers and is resistant to moisture, water splashes, impacts, damage, and vibrations. Homeland security and defense forces have tested our lighting solutions in severe conditions. The diverse configuration options and easy installation of the most commonly used VIKING LIGHTING L230 guarantee that this lighting solution works effectively in a wide range of application scenarios. Those can be it emergency response, military operations, or the precise world of medical help.

German sales agent:

On availability in Germany, please see the link  Our sales representatives will be happy to answer your questions.

About the fairs:

please see more: [caption id="attachment_2232" align="alignnone" width="300"]logo Florian logo Florian[/caption]

New! VIKING LIGHTING on pneumatic mast



on pneumatic mast

developed by the SVEP company


VIKING LIGHTING on pneumatic mast:

So far, the VIKING LIGHTING was mounted on a fixed mast. We recently put the  VIKING LIGHTING  on a pneumatic mast developed by the SVEP company. Such masts can be used indoors, e.g., in workshops or garages, outdoors as lighting for the event or construction site, or for repair works.

New in our offer:

Now, we offer VIKING LIGHTING on the pneumatic mast. We've mounted two VIKING LIGHTING pieces on a pneumatic mast, a product of SVEP. The SVEP company from Bielsko-Biała, Poland, proposed an attractive solution that extends the mast to a height of up to 5 meters.
VIKING + SVEP solution
[caption id="attachment_2266" align="alignleft" width="187"]VIKING LIGHTING on pneumatic mast pic. VIKING LIGHTING on the SVEP mast[/caption] "<yoastmark     Engineers design the SVEP's masts as a modern construction with fully automated folding. Firstly, the new solution is advanced, but secondly, it is easy for one person to operate. pneumatic mastpneumatic mast [caption id="attachment_2264" align="alignnone" width="300"]mechanizm of the mast for VIKING LIGHTING mechanism of the mast for VIKING LIGHTING[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2269" align="alignnone" width="300"]mechanism of the mast for VIKING LIGHTING mechanism of the mast for VIKING LIGHTING[/caption] The above-presented set is equipped with the VIKING LIGHTING LED type 230. For more details on this type of lighting, please go to However, any VIKING LIGHTING can be attached to this type of mast, depending on the user's needs. For instance, the VIKING LIGHTING has an oil-resistant cable of 5, 7, or 10 meters long. Therefore, it is fitting the SVEP mast. We can supply VIKING LIGHTING with a cable of a different length or parameters.  This is possible because we are a manufacturer of lighting equipment. The SVEP mast can be folded to a transport size, such as a bag, as shown in the photo below. In effect of mast folding, the dimension allows the mast to be transported even in a passenger car. [caption id="attachment_2270" align="alignnone" width="300"]portable mast portable mast[/caption]
Why is it worth choosing this solution?
With the VIKING LIGHTING portable set, you can get a valuable lighting solution for many outdoor works—very light construction. As a result, it is easy to transport and use. In addition, it is noteworthy that the entire mast is aesthetically made and works quietly. Such a mast can be used for minor indoor and outdoor repairs. For example, it can be used to repair equipment at a certain height. In the case of indoor work, such as in production halls or warehouses, our solution will also be practical and economical. To summarize, VIKING LIGHTING on the SVEP mast is an excellent tool for people who provide services in various places—moreover, those who do not want to waste time unfolding and folding complicated platforms.  

VIKING LIGHTING supports field hospital


Lisbon, Portugal

April 2020


VIKING LIGHTING supports field hospital:

VIKING LIGHTING supported the field hospital in Portugal in 2020. The VIKING LIGHTING manufacturer actively supports the creation of a field hospital in Portugal. In support, VIKING LIGHTING sent portable lighting kits to Lisbon. #TODOSPORUMHOSPITAL is an initiative of Cruz de Malta Portugal, which, together with the RTP (Portuguese TV), seeks donations for the construction of a temporary hospital with more than 200 beds to strengthen the local reference unit in the fight against #COVID-19.



Portuguese organization Cruz De Malta and the television RTP have organized a public collection of donations. The aim is to encourage people and companies who want to support Portuguese Health and National Security Professionals. Therefore, they seek donations to construct a Field Hospital with more than 200 beds. As a result, it will be easier to fight against COVID-19 in Lisbon, Portugal.

LED VIKING Lighting sets for field hospitals:

VIKING LIGHTING is well known for its portable lighting sets. Because of that, we have delivered our LED VIKING Lighting sets to the newly established medical points in Lisbon.

The setting up of this field hospital will be done within Campo Pequeno. Its management will be under the coordination of Hospital Curry Cabral. The field hospital will operate within Campo Pequeno, and its management will be coordinated by Hospital Curry Cabral.

In 2020, during the containment phase of the coronavirus pandemic, Curry Cabral Hospital (together with Hospital de Dona Estefânia for Pediatric Cases in Lisbon and Hospital de São João in Porto) was one of the three first-line reference hospitals for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 19. Later, many more second-line hospitals were opened nationwide until the mitigation phase.

Curry Cabral Hospital is now managing to meet the Lisbon area's needs. However, they need equipment, such as the 26 field tents, with a capacity for 200 beds. Cruz de Malta, with the help of all, will allow medical personnel to treat more patients. Similar to other countries, in Portugal, the number of suffering from #COVID-19 is still very high.

Why is it worth having VIKING Lighting in medical tents?

Doctors and nurses need to work in a comfortable, light environment. Using VIKING LIGHTING, they can do their daily routines efficiently. Moreover, they can run some medical procedures like injections.

Even though the patients and medical personnel are in tents, the VIKING LIGHTING gives them a bright white light. Most importantly, the unique feature is glare-free lighting. This is important for those who work long hours and are engaged in activities where precision is required.

VIKING LIGHTING can be easily moved from one place to another. In addition, the lighting can be mounted in tents or at the masts. Please see some applications of mast sets

We encourage everyone to support the #TodosPorumHospital!

For more information, please see:

VIKING LIGHTING in French medical tents


Miluza, France

March 2020



VIKING LIGHTING in French medical tents:

We proudly inform you that VIKING LIGHTING supplied medical tents in France. The French army has equipped its military-medical tents with VIKING LIGHTING.  To cope with the #CoronaVirus, the French authorities have developed temporary hospitals in tents. VIKING LIGHTING delivered unique lighting solutions to these tents.

VIKING LIGHTING is a source of bright but glare-free light. The light stream is shadeless. Because of these features, the work of medical personnel is more comfortable. We encourage you to watch French TV or the Polish TV TVN24 news. The link to the TV is at the end of the news. 

pic. French military hospital, Miluza.

Particular military field hospital developed in France:

In connection with the #coronavirus epidemic, French armed forces are setting up some field hospitals. For example, they have developed field hospitals in Miluza and Malhouse, France. Additional coverage in the link

Hospital tents have sections for patient registration and treatment. VIKING Lighting has a record of use in field hospitals for over 20 years. Army medical services often use our portable, lightweight lamp as temporary lighting.

Depending on the customer's requirements, and in the case of field hospitals, the army's requirements, Viking lighting can have an LED light source or traditional fluorescent tubes.

Why is it worth using VIKING LIGHTING in medical tents?

The aluminum housing does not heat up. Therefore, the lighting is safe. Medical services appreciate bright, white light worth 4000K, equivalent to natural light. The lamp has a milky shade that helps doctors and medical personnel. The reason behind this is that they are not glared. The light generated by VIKING Lighting is shadowless.

As a result of that feature, it is easier to take care of patients and perform minor medical procedures.

Users can hang VIKING Lighting in series in medical tents and field hospitals. An additional plug we mount on the lamp housing allows VIKING lighting to be easily connected in series. This design will enable you to connect one lamp to another. For more information, click on the link:

VIKING Lighting usually creates a daisy chain in medical tents and field hospitals. This is possible thanks to an additional plug mounted on the lamp housing. The plug allows you to connect one lamp to another.

We usually also supply additional power cords, extension cords, and adapters to the conditions of the place of use.

Teknoprod AB produces VIKING LIGHTING and provides lamps with plugs and contacts adapted to your region/country.

VIKING LIGHTING equipped military hospitals with unique lamps. Since 2020, the lighting used in field hospitals in France has plugs adapted to French standards.

Have a look!

Link to the Polish news

Research on LED lamps conference


Lichen, Poland

28-29 November 2019

research on LED lamps

Conference on Repair and Maintenance Issues

On November 28 and 29, 2019, Teknoprod AB participated in

the XII Conference on Repair and Maintenance Issues in the Energy Sector.

The conference was held in Licheń, Poland. 

More information in the link:,2098,61715.html

During the event, several topics related to maintenance prevailed. Several repair solutions were presented.

Moreover, diagnostics of electromechanical systems, control systems, and supervision of the energy production process were discussed.

Our representatives have presented the results of the recent research on LED lamps sources of light run by the Teknoprod Group.

The typical product for repair is the compact lighting L212

  [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="476"]conference logo conference logo[/caption]

What is the source of light for LED?

Compared with conventional light sources that first convert electrical energy into heat and then into light, LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) convert electrical energy directly into light, delivering efficient light generation with little-wasted electricity. Light-emitting diode (LED) light sources have recently become widely used. As the analysis shows, in most drivers used to control LEDs in LED lighting devices, there is no compensation for changes in the light parameters of LEDs or LED matrices when the temperature regime of their operation changes, although temperature significantly affects the electrical and light parameters of LEDs.

How do LEDs work in physics?

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current flows through it. When current passes through an LED, the electrons recombine with holes emitting light. LEDs produce different colors using various materials that produce photons at different wavelengths. Those individual wavelengths appear as the light of different colors. LEDs use materials that can handle the necessary electricity, heat, and humidity levels.

Our R&D

At the Teknoprod Group, we invest in the research and development of lighting products. Our focus is research on LED lamps. Our experienced engineers are leading ongoing projects that are leading to improving the LED lamps.

For the LED light source until November 2019, we run research on the following:

  • high-efficiency light sources
  • improving lighting quality and energy efficiency
  • luminous efficiency above 100 lm/W
  • replacing traditional light sources
  • weight and size reduction
The future projects will be based on the results of the research on LED presented during the conference for the energy sector. The conference venue allowed us to discuss the issues vital for the key players in the Polish energy sector.  

VIKING LIGHTING in the horse stable


Horse Stable, Warsaw, Poland

December 2019

lighting tests


VIKING LIGHTING in the horse stable, there was a test of LED 212 lamp:

Recently, VIKING Lighting has been a great help in breeding horses. VIKING is the lighting tested in the stable. The employees of the horse farm near Warsaw discovered it. We got information about their opinion after the tests in the stable. In the stable, we deal with moisture, mud, and dust. Firstly, VIKING lamps work reliably in such an environment. Several types of VIKING Lighting are made in the IP54 class. This means it can withstand dust, dirt, and moisture. VIKING Lighting works well in high humid conditions, in dust, and thus in a horse stable. People who work with animals have the comfort of work because VIKING gives a bright but not dazzling light. Secondly, the light is natural white with a color temperature of 4000°K. The light but durable housing of the lamp helps when working with live, mobile animals. For more information, please visit the product website  

Unique features for stable

The shadowless VIKING fixtures facilitate all the precise jobs. Our lighting was previously tested in a horse clinic in Sweden. The experience of veterinarians in Scandinavian countries shows that VIKING lighting helps perform medical procedures and care for sick horses. VIKING Lighting provides shadowless light. Therefore, it is easier to perform work that requires precision. For sales in Sweden, please contact   

Easy use of L212

In the stable, we can use VIKING Lighting on a workshop stand VIKING offers several types of stands and tripods. A steel portable stand can also be used in the stable. Additionally, coated steel stands are available . These stands have wheels and a metal shelf attached. Thanks to this solution, you can leave the equipment for animal care on the shelf and move the joints inside the stable. We can also mount the lamp on a magnetic holder, as shown in the photo below. [caption id="attachment_2953" align="alignnone" width="200"]pic. In a stable magnet holder for VIKING LIGHTING pic. In a stable magnet holder for VIKING LIGHTING[/caption] A stable with a lamp on a magnetic holder can quickly be moved to another place. You can mount the VIKING lamp wherever there is a surface that will hold the magnet. On the other hand, we suggest using a rubber magnet overlay for varnished and smooth surfaces, which protects against scratches, etc. For more information about the holder, please visit  


In summary, we must admit that durability and bright light allowed us to illuminate the horses during animal care and work in the stable. After checking the lighting in the stable, the employees were satisfied. Horses too... [caption id="attachment_3616" align="alignnone" width="150"]Viking on magnet holder in stable Viking on magnet holder in stable[/caption]

VIKING Lighting at Tent Expo Germany


Wächtersbach, Germany

13 - 16 November 2019



VIKING Lighting at Tent Expo:

Once again, Viking Lighting invites you to visit our booth at the TENT EXPO. The fairs will usually occur in Wächtersbach, Germany, from 13 to 16 November 2019. TENT EXPO is the world-renowned, “in-house” annual exhibition for event tents, shelters, and temporary structures manufacturers and suppliers of tent equipment.  

Tent lighting:

Hospital tents have sections for patient registration and treatment. VIKING Lighting has been used in field hospitals for over 20 years. Portable, lightweight LED lamps are often used as temporary lighting. Depending on the customer's requirements, and in the case of field hospitals or the requirements of the army, Viking Lighting can have an LED light source or traditional fluorescent tubes. Firstly, the aluminum housing does not heat up, so the lighting is safe. Secondly, medical services appreciate bright, white light worth 4000°K, equivalent to natural light. The lamp has a milky shade that helps doctors and medical personnel.  This is because they are not exposed to the glaring effect. The most important is that the light generated by VIKING Lighting is shadowless. As a result of that feature, it is easier to take care of patients and perform minor medical procedures. In medical tents and field hospitals, VIKING Lighting is daisy-chained. This is possible thanks to an additional plug mounted on the lamp housing because the plug allows you to connect one lamp to another.  

Possible customizations of VIKING Lighting:

We usually also supply additional power cords, extension cords, and adapters to the conditions of the place where the lamps are used. Teknoprod AB produces VIKING Lighting and provides lamps with plugs and contacts adapted to your region/country. On top of that, because we are the manufacturer, we can equip the lighting with the socket or plug required for a particular application or in a specific country.  

Combat proof:

Please see the usage of our lamps in the field hospital:   Please come and join VIKING at Tent Expo! [caption id="attachment_1539" align="alignnone" width="225"]HTS Roeder HTS Roeder[/caption]




10-13 SEPTEMBER 2019

booth No N7 347

VIKING Lighting at DSEI 2019 London:

VIKING LIGHTING® will be attending the DSEI 2019, the world's foremost defense and security event. We will present our LED lighting, military lighting sets on masts, portable lighting, and the newest VIKING Lighting in IP65. The exhibition will take place on 10-13 SEPTEMBER 2019 in LONDON, UK.  Venue address: ExCeL, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL. Prince Regent (DLR Line) and Custom House (DLR Line) are the nearest train stations. Please see VIKING LIGHTING  at booth No N7 347 at DSEI 2019.   [caption id="attachment_1462" align="aligncenter" width="225"]VIKING Lighting on portable mast at DSEI 2019 VIKING Lighting on a portable mast at DSEI 2019[/caption] In the meantime, you can check out our products on our website  

Briefly about VIKING LIGHTING:

VIKING® Lighting is a natural white light in your workplace. VIKING® Lighting has been developed to work in the most unfavorable outdoor conditions. Already 20 years ago, VIKING® Lighting was created to meet the requirements of the fire brigade. The designers' idea was to provide firefighters with light yet durable lighting. Another feature of VIKING® Lighting is low heat emission, which is vital for long work. VIKING® Lighting is popular in Scandinavia because it works effectively at ambient temperatures up to -30°C. As a tent equipment, one can use VIKING® Lighting in places where the ambient temperature reaches even + 50°C. Over time, other emergency services, aviation, the military, and everyone who wants to work with reliable equipment have begun to use VIKING® Lighting. VIKING® specialists from various industries also use lighting fixtures. These technicians eagerly use Viking Lighting on construction sites, both indoor and outdoor, for repairs and maintenance. Technicians appreciate lighting them in the workshop because VIKING® Lighting gives light that allows you to distinguish the object from the background easily. Moreover, it is no-shade lighting.

Regular customers of VIKING® Lighting value its essential features:

  • lightweight aluminum housing with side covers from SBS
  • resistance to moisture, splashes, impacts, damage, and vibrations,
  • light source: LED panel or TCL-2g11 fluorescent tube lamp
  • low heat emission
  • non-glaring light
  • long life of the light source
  • several VIKING® lamps can be easily daisy chained through an additional socket
  • oil-resistant cable

VIKING at the IFRE 2019


Kielce, Poland

6 - 8. June 2019

the outdoor exhibition No. ZF-34

VIKING at the IFRE 2019

VIKING LIGHTING will be present at the 3rd International Fire Protection & Rescue Exhibition IFRE-EXPO, which will occur at TARGI KIELCE S.A. Zakładowa street 1, 25-672 Kielce Thursday (6.VI) 10:00 - 17:00; Friday, (7.VI) 10:00 - 17:00Saturday  (8.VI) 10:00 - 15:00 IFRE EXPO is a show for firefighter equipment manufacturers, rescue technology suppliers, and fire brigade units to meet and do business. We will present portable lighting solutions. Please come and meet us at the tent at the outdoor exhibition No. ZF-34 at the IFRE 2019 Medical Tent Medical Tent level 1

VIKING lighting for medical tents:

Hospital tents have sections for patient registration and treatment. Field hospitals used VIKING Lighting for over 20 years. Portable, lightweight lamps work well as temporary lighting. Depending on the customer's requirements, and in the case of field hospitals, the army's requirements, Viking lighting can have an LED light source or traditional fluorescent tubes. The aluminum housing does not heat up, so the lighting is safe. Medical services appreciate bright, white light worth 4000K, equivalent to natural light. The lamp has a milky shade that helps the doctors and medical personnel. They are not glared at. The light generated by VIKING Lighting is shadowless. In effect of that feature, taking care of patients and performing minor medical procedures is easier.

Additional features:

In medical tents and field hospitals, VIKING Lighting is usually daisy-chained. This is possible thanks to an additional plug mounted on the lamp housing. The plug allows you to connect one lamp to another. We usually also supply additional power cords, extension cords, and adapters to the lamps' place of use conditions. Teknoprod AB produces VIKING Lighting and provides lamps with plugs and contacts adapted to your region/country. Therefore, lighting used in field hospitals has plugs adapted to the local standards. Please come and see our lighting products at the IFRE 2019.

ELFACK 2019 booth A02:70


Gothenburg, Sweden

07-10 May 2019

booth A02:70


Elfack 2019 booth A02:70

We invite you to meet us and the VIKING LIGHTING booth during ELFACK 2019.  It will be held in Gothenburg from the 07th to the 10th of May 2019. Please join us at the booth No: A02:70. The Elfack Fair is the Nordic region’s most significant meeting place, where the entire electricity and power industry shows its new products and solutions to around 23,000 visitors.  

VIKING LIGHTING offer for Elfack:

VIKING® Lighting is a natural white light in your workplace. As you may know, VIKING® Lighting has been developed to work in the most unfavorable outdoor conditions. Already 20 years ago, VIKING® Lighting met the requirements of the fire brigade. Please note that the designers intended to provide firefighters with light yet durable lighting. Another feature of VIKING® Lighting is low heat emission, which is essential for long work. We proudly inform you that VIKING® Lighting is popular in Scandinavia because it works effectively at ambient temperatures up to -30°C. Most interestingly, you may use VIKING Lighting as tent equipment, VIKING® Lighting in places where the ambient temperature reaches even + 50°C.  

Typical users of VIKING Lighting:

Historically, the VIKING Lighting users were fire-fighters. Over time, other emergency services, aviation, military, and everyone who wants to work with reliable equipment have begun to use VIKING®  Lighting. Specialists from various industries often use VIKING® Lighting. Technicians are eager to have them on construction sites, both indoor and outdoor, for repairs and maintenance. Technicians appreciate lighting them in the workshop because VIKING® Lighting gives light that allows you to distinguish the object from the background easily. The design of light allows for no-shade lighting. VIKING LIGHTING will present its application in several industries, particularly the electrical equipment sector. Moreover, we have exciting products such as lighting masts and LED lamps.  

ELFACK 2019 access:

To get your ticket, please register at: [caption id="attachment_1284" align="alignnone" width="299"]logo Elfack logo Elfack[/caption] Elfack 2019 Elfack 2019

About Elfack

Elfack is northern Europe’s largest meeting place, and the electricity and energy industry shows new products and solutions. At Elfack, you can immerse yourself in specific areas and, at the same time, broaden your views in other parts of the industry. This is part of what you get when you visit Elfack: Top seminars and cases by key people in the industry: Keep up with the development of your industry – it is developing at record speed! Around 400 exhibitors with the latest products and solutions: Get expert advice from leading suppliers in the electricity and energy industry and see products and solutions live. The whole industry is here! Visitors from power companies, decision-makers, politicians, installers, electricity distributors, architects, lighting designers, etc., come here – the perfect opportunity for cross-industry conversations and business. This is where experience is exchanged, and new collaborations take place: Network with colleagues and thousands of other visitors from all over the Nordics, exchange experiences, and create new collaborations.