VIKING LIGHTING supports field hospital
Lisbon, Portugal
April 2020
VIKING LIGHTING supports field hospital:
VIKING LIGHTING supported the field hospital in Portugal in 2020. The VIKING LIGHTING manufacturer actively supports the creation of a field hospital in Portugal. In support, VIKING LIGHTING sent portable lighting kits to Lisbon. #TODOSPORUMHOSPITAL is an initiative of Cruz de Malta Portugal, which, together with the RTP (Portuguese TV), seeks donations for the construction of a temporary hospital with more than 200 beds to strengthen the local reference unit in the fight against #COVID-19.
Portuguese organization Cruz De Malta and the television RTP have organized a public collection of donations. The aim is to encourage people and companies who want to support Portuguese Health and National Security Professionals. Therefore, they seek donations to construct a Field Hospital with more than 200 beds. As a result, it will be easier to fight against COVID-19 in Lisbon, Portugal.
LED VIKING Lighting sets for field hospitals:
VIKING LIGHTING is well known for its portable lighting sets. Because of that, we have delivered our LED VIKING Lighting sets to the newly established medical points in Lisbon.
The setting up of this field hospital will be done within Campo Pequeno. Its management will be under the coordination of Hospital Curry Cabral. The field hospital will operate within Campo Pequeno, and its management will be coordinated by Hospital Curry Cabral.
In 2020, during the containment phase of the coronavirus pandemic, Curry Cabral Hospital (together with Hospital de Dona Estefânia for Pediatric Cases in Lisbon and Hospital de São João in Porto) was one of the three first-line reference hospitals for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 19. Later, many more second-line hospitals were opened nationwide until the mitigation phase.
Curry Cabral Hospital is now managing to meet the Lisbon area's needs. However, they need equipment, such as the 26 field tents, with a capacity for 200 beds. Cruz de Malta, with the help of all, will allow medical personnel to treat more patients. Similar to other countries, in Portugal, the number of suffering from #COVID-19 is still very high.
Why is it worth having VIKING Lighting in medical tents?
Doctors and nurses need to work in a comfortable, light environment. Using VIKING LIGHTING, they can do their daily routines efficiently. Moreover, they can run some medical procedures like injections.
Even though the patients and medical personnel are in tents, the VIKING LIGHTING gives them a bright white light. Most importantly, the unique feature is glare-free lighting. This is important for those who work long hours and are engaged in activities where precision is required.
VIKING LIGHTING can be easily moved from one place to another. In addition, the lighting can be mounted in tents or at the masts. Please see some applications of mast sets
We encourage everyone to support the #TodosPorumHospital!
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