Key features:
The workshop stand is a convenient indoor solution. This accessory material is a durable plastic that can hold the VIKING Lighting. This accessory has wheels, so one can move it without the need to lift it.
Thanks to the mounted wheels, this product can quickly move inside a car garage or room with a relatively flat surface.
We made this accessory out of steel painted black, which works well in a workshop with dirt and grease.
Compatibility of the stand with other accessories:
The workshop stand has a handle for VIKING lighting art number 202203/A (more in link: https://vikinglighting.com/en/akcesorium/magnet-holder-105mm/),
Interestingly it has a practical shelf on which you can put away some tools or light machinery. Please note that you can mount the magnet holder on the stand bo at the top and lower part.
This is a practical solution, allowing a stable source of lighting where needed. The picture below presents the VIKING Lighting on a workshop stand used indoors in a narrow place.
Here, we have a lighting fixture mounted on a magnet holder at the stand. The stand helped with precise machinery work.
In another photo, we can see the VIKING Lighting fixture attached to the stand on the height that allows for some car repair works at a low height.